Thursday, February 2, 2012


So I have been going on very little sleep and just really want to get out! Oh wait...I get to right now! My girls are all brushing their teeth and going potty and then off to bed...and this mom is going out with a friend. She is also the mother of The Emotionalist's "Favorite Boy". It's been a long over due time out and lovely conversation and I am so looking forward to it.

So a little update on my hair. I went to buy a box of hair dye (I can hear all the hair stylist screaming NO!) and my husband stopped me. It's not that he doesn't want me to color my hair, really he is just keeping me accountable to my commitment. He says he doesn't want me to dye my hair and then in a few months I am going to be complaining about how damaged it is and how I really need to get it cut. Hmmmm...can anyone say He knows me really well? That he does! As soon as he said it I knew that really dying my hair was just a way that I would be able to sneak in cutting my hair. Not something I want to do. So here I am a little less than a month into my hair challenge and I am already looking for ways to get out of it. 340 days to go! I am going to finish this! now that my children are all in bed. Yes I did take a break from writing to help them all get ready. Taking a break while writing is not always a good idea which is why I don't usually write during bedtime. So my kids are tucked in. We have given hugs, kisses and "knuckle" kisses (Which surprisingly has nothing to do with knuckles...if you are interested in knowing how to do these I will write that another time) and I am off!

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