Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Your Kids, Not a Gerbil

Do you sometimes feel like a gerbil running on a wheel inside a cage as you scurry from place to place, chauffeuring your children from one endless activity to another? What if, for one moment, you could just step off of the wheel...and relax? How would you feel then? And what if that single moment could stretch into an hour, or even a whole day? In his new book, It's your Kid, Not a Gerbil, Kevin Leman will provide practical solutions and helpful insight to get off the activity wheel so that you can put your time and energies where they really count: in establishing strong character and a love for home and family that will serve your kids well for a lifetime.

Now that you know a little bit about the book...why don't you go on over to the blog and enter into their giveaway. All you have to do is help out in spreading the word about this new book! How awesome!

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